Friday, November 16, 2012

Blog Contest Secret Word

Hello students, friends and families! The blog word for today is...


Bring this word to Miss Ingrid on Monday and you will recieve a special prize.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

New Bulletin Board

Hi friends and families of After School Club! Today when you come to pick your child up please notice our fancy new bulletin board and everything on it! Our current calendar/newsletter will be displayed along with some of your students' artwork from ASC activities.

The best part of our new board will be the club attendance lists posted with the location of that club everyday. We are trying to make it easier for parents to find their children when they come into the school. Hopefully this will enable you to find your child on a club list, see the location and find your child wherever they may be in the school.

We would love feedback about the program. Please tell us what kinds of things would make your job as a parent easier in regards to After School Club.

Once again, thank you for your support! Have a great rest of the weekend and make sure to watch for the blog contest word this Friday.

Saturday, November 10, 2012


Parents and students! I am so sorry this is late. We could not locate a child after ASC yesterday and in all the mix up I completely forgot to post the secret word. So here it is...


Bring this word to me on Monday and you will get a prize! I can't wait to see who has looked at the blog. Have a great weekend! See you Monday.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Blog Contest

Student and parents of After School Club!

It's half way through the week. We're hanging on, are you? I'm here to make an announcement about a new, fun contest we're starting at ASC, in hopes we will gain more traffic here on the blog.

If you're reading this for the first time, or the last time (which I hope is not true), welcome! We're glad to have you. This blog is dedicated to updating and informing the Wilson ASC parents and students with everything they need to be successful at After School Club. Calendars, newsletters, field trip information, parent night updates, and picture are just some of the things that you'll find here on the blog.

So, back to the contest, I'm sure you're all wondering about. Each Friday there is going to be a special blogpost with a secret word or picture that you'll have to find with your child. If, on the following Monday, your child can come to me (Miss Ingrid) with the secret word or picture, your child will receive a small prize. The point of the contest is to give parents and families an opportunity to experience the blog with your child. Be looking THIS Friday for the secret code! I'll be waiting to hear back from everyone the following Monday.

We are excited about the contest and hope to hear from every child. Thanks again for your support of After School Club. We will see you around!