Friday, December 7, 2012

Blog Word

Hello After School Club families and students! We hope you had good week at school. Here is the blog word for the weekend of the December 7th.

* * * SNOW * * *

Bring this word to After School Club on Monday the 10th and you'll get a special prize from Miss Ingrid.

Please remember to pick up a white re-registration form and bring it back by December 18th. 

Have a great weekend and we will see you on Monday!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Blog Contest Secret Word

Hello students, friends and families! The blog word for today is...


Bring this word to Miss Ingrid on Monday and you will recieve a special prize.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

New Bulletin Board

Hi friends and families of After School Club! Today when you come to pick your child up please notice our fancy new bulletin board and everything on it! Our current calendar/newsletter will be displayed along with some of your students' artwork from ASC activities.

The best part of our new board will be the club attendance lists posted with the location of that club everyday. We are trying to make it easier for parents to find their children when they come into the school. Hopefully this will enable you to find your child on a club list, see the location and find your child wherever they may be in the school.

We would love feedback about the program. Please tell us what kinds of things would make your job as a parent easier in regards to After School Club.

Once again, thank you for your support! Have a great rest of the weekend and make sure to watch for the blog contest word this Friday.

Saturday, November 10, 2012


Parents and students! I am so sorry this is late. We could not locate a child after ASC yesterday and in all the mix up I completely forgot to post the secret word. So here it is...


Bring this word to me on Monday and you will get a prize! I can't wait to see who has looked at the blog. Have a great weekend! See you Monday.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Blog Contest

Student and parents of After School Club!

It's half way through the week. We're hanging on, are you? I'm here to make an announcement about a new, fun contest we're starting at ASC, in hopes we will gain more traffic here on the blog.

If you're reading this for the first time, or the last time (which I hope is not true), welcome! We're glad to have you. This blog is dedicated to updating and informing the Wilson ASC parents and students with everything they need to be successful at After School Club. Calendars, newsletters, field trip information, parent night updates, and picture are just some of the things that you'll find here on the blog.

So, back to the contest, I'm sure you're all wondering about. Each Friday there is going to be a special blogpost with a secret word or picture that you'll have to find with your child. If, on the following Monday, your child can come to me (Miss Ingrid) with the secret word or picture, your child will receive a small prize. The point of the contest is to give parents and families an opportunity to experience the blog with your child. Be looking THIS Friday for the secret code! I'll be waiting to hear back from everyone the following Monday.

We are excited about the contest and hope to hear from every child. Thanks again for your support of After School Club. We will see you around!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Recent Happenings

It has been an exciting two weeks at After School Club. Last Monday we took a field trip to the Little Bear Bottoms Corn Maze and this Monday was parent night. Each were such a success thanks to you parents and your amazing children!

Even though we felt like penguins on the arctic tundra at the corn maze (snow in October felt completely au-natrual for Cache Valley) we still had loads of fun playing in the corn and on the HUGE straw stack castles.

Parent night was one of the most successful yet! We had a great turnout. It was so great to see the students of ASC swelling with such pride for their parents. We loved sharing part of your halloween fun with you. We hope you have more fall fun in the next two days and are looking forward to seeing you again, which, let's be honest, will probably be tomorrow.

Be safe and stay happy!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Parent Night

Family and Friends of ASC!

Mark your calendars for the evening of Monday October 29th at 5:30 for Wilson After School Club's parent night. The activities will start promptly after ASC at 5:30. Bring your inner artist for the pumpkin painting contest and bring your appetite for some homemade root beer and doughnuts. Prizes will be given for the best pumpkins, so bring your A-game. Your children have a surprise in store for you that they're working on even as I type!

If you have any questions or concerns please contact Wilson ASC at (435)757-7760 or at

Thank you for your continued support of After School Club! We will see you at Parent Night!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

October Updates

October is off to a great start! We just wanted to clear up some confusion about days off the next couple weeks. There will be no ASC this Friday the 22nd or ALL of next week, the 15th-19th. Original calendars read that we would hold ASC those days, but changes were made to the district-wide calendar.

Also, we have a field trip coming up soon. Because of the calendar changes we are sending the field trip form home today in hopes of getting them back tomorrow. If your child forgets the permission slip or for some reason you can't return the form by tomorrow, please send them to the office during the school day next week so the ASC staff has access to them.

We will be taking the bus to the Little Bear Bottoms Corn Maze on Monday the 22nd. If field trip forms are not brought back to school by Tuesday the 16th, which is a half-day of school, your child will not be permitted to come on the field trip. Verbal or written permission, on any paper other than the field trip form, will not be accepted. A parent signature must be on the official slip for your child to participate.

Thank you for your continuing support of after school club. If you have any concerns or problems please contact us at (435)757-7760 or

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Field Trip Photos

Late September fall colors of Logan Canyon.
 The Stoke's Nature Center field trip last Friday was a great success. It seemed that the fall sunshine and leaves were shining just for us. The students enjoyed a nice walk along the Logan River and then had a chance to explore the Nature Center. Our nature guide, Louise, taught us all about the changes that are happening in the environment during this autumn season. Endless flora and just a bit of fauna made our first field trip of the school year the best one yet!

Please remember to pick up an October calendar/newsletter. Take note the days off this month, particularly this Friday, the 5th. Have a great weekend and thanks again for your support of after school club!

Science at the Nature Center.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Field Trip Today!

Parents! It's time for our first field trip and boy are we excited. We will be leaving the school on the bus today promptly at 3:40 and traveling to the Stoke's Nature Center which is about a five minute drive up Logan Canyon. The center has a great program planned for us that will include a beautiful walk through the fall colors. Please note that we may not be back to the school until about 5:10 or 5:15 and plan your pick-up time accordingly.
We'll see you tonight!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Welcome Back to ASC

We know, we know. The blog banner still says it's the 2011-2012 school year. Don't worry though, it's another one of those things on our on going to-do list for the 2012-2013 school year that we are SO excited for. The month of September has already flown by, much like our summer flew by. Speaking of summer, we had a great one! Did you? We sure hope so.

Thanks for getting your children registered in such a timely manner. We have a full house this year at ASC and even some new teachers too. We look forward to seeing around the halls of Wilson and will be bringing you more important updates in the weeks to come. Watch for our October calendar and remember our field trip to Stokes Nature Center this Friday.

We'll leave with you some words of wisdom given in one of our Monday Enrichment activities this month, "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose." -Dr. Suess

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Until Next Year


Remember that tomorrow is the WATER PARTY! Please send your child to school with anything they may need for water day; swim suit/water clothes, towel, water shoes, and sunscreen.

This will more than likely be the last post of the year and we would like to take a second and say goodbye. Thank you for all your support this school year. It has been a privilege working with your children on a daily basis. We know that probably only a handful of you parents actually stay up to date with the ASC blog-and to you all, an extra thank you! The Wilson ASC staff has fun plans for summer and we hope you do to. We look forward to seeing you all in the fall when ASC starts again, and until then have a safe, fun summer and soak up some extra summer sun for us!


Your Faithful After School Club Staff

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Water Day!

The May calendar and newsletter are posted below, and as you can see we are having a water day on Wednesday the 9th! We plan on having a shortened learning center time that day so we can have a fun filled afternoon playing water games (weather permitting). Please send your child to school that day with a swimming suit/change of clothes that can get wet, and a towel. The students will be allowed to change their clothes after homework time and snack. Children not participating in the water day will the have the choice between an active or passive game that does not involve getting wet. Feel free to call or send an email with any questions you may have concerning water day or anything thing else in the upcoming week and a half--that's right! There are only 7 days of ASC left. Please remember that the last day of after school club is Friday May 11th.

Thank you for your continued support of Wilson's After School Club!

May Calendar and Newsletter

Monday, April 23, 2012

Parent Night Success!

Parents! We'd like to thank you so much for making parent night a smashing success, and we'd especially like to thank those parents and families who stayed even when it turned into an open mic karaoke/dance party. Your children were amazing and we are so lucky to have the chance to see and interact with them on a daily basis. Thanks again for your continued support of Wilson's ASC!

Remember the last day of after school club is May 11th. Only three weeks left and the countdown is on!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Parents and family! Mark your calendars! We will be holding an end of year parent night talent show on THURSDAY APRIL 19th! We are looking forward to seeing all the wonderful talents you and your children have in store. That's right, I said YOU. We encourage parent/family participation during the talent show--all acts are welcomed! The evening will begin at 5:45 and will end whenever the talents run out (plan on about 30-40mins). We will be serving up a side of refreshments to accent all the amazing talent I'm sure we'll see that night!

We are grateful for your continuing support of After School Club and are excited to see you at parent night!

April Calendar & Newsletter

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Hello all you After School Clubers! It's been a while since our last post, I know, but we're finally back online. Please stay updated on your child's ASC activities and up coming events. We only have six short more weeks of after school club and we plan on making them as fun as possible! Thank you for all your support dealing with Wilson's ASC, it's greatly appreciated!

March Calendar